Book edited by Pagrave Macmillan:
Ladner Andreas, Keuffer Nicolas, Baldersheim Harald, Hlepas Nikos, Swianiewicz Pawel, Steyvers Kristof, and Navarro Carmen (2019): Patterns of Local Autonomy in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Report to the European Commission as well as country profiles and datasets:
Ladner A., Keuffer N., Bastianen A. (2021), Local Autonomy Index in the EU, Council of Europe and OECD countries (1990-2020). Release 2.0. Brussels: European Commission.
Ladner A., Keuffer N., Baldersheim H. (2015). Local Autonomy Index for European countries (1990-2014). Release 1.0”, Brussels: European Commission.
Regional & Federal Studies:
NEW: Andreas Ladner, Nicolas Keuffer & Alexander Bastianen (2023) Local autonomy around the world: the updated and extended Local Autonomy Index (LAI 2.0), Regional & Federal Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13597566.2023.2267990
Ladner, Andreas and Keuffer, Nicolas (2021) “Creating an index of local autonomy – theoretical, conceptual, and empirical issues”, Regional & Federal Studies, 31:2, 209-234 (online, DOI: 10.1080/13597566.2018.1464443)
Ladner, Andreas, Keuffer, Nicolas and Baldersheim, Harald (2016) “Measuring Local Autonomy in 39 Countries (1990–2014)”, Regional & Federal Studies, 26:3, 321-357 (online, DOI:10.1080/13597566.2016.1214911)
Related Publications:
Ladner, Andreas (2022), Les communes dans une perspective comparatiste – De grandes différences entre les communes vaudoises et les communes zurichoises, dans: Camille Perrier Depeursinge, Nathalie Dongois, Andrew M. Garbarski, Carlo Lombardini et Alain Macaluso (eds). Cimes et Châtiments. Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Laurent Moreillon. Stämpfli Editions: Collection lausannoise, p. 247-258.
Keuffer, Nicolas and Ladner, Andreas (2021) “Local and regional autonomy – indexes and trends”, In Callanan, Mark, Loughlin, John (eds.) A Research Agenda for Regional and Local Government, chap. 2, 19-34, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Keuffer, Nicolas (2021) “Local Self-Government and the Choice for Local Governance Arrangements in Nine Swiss Municipal Tasks”, In Bergström. Franzke, Sabine Kuhlmann, Ellen, Wayenberg, Tomas, Franzke, Jochen, Kuhlmann, Sabine, Wayenberg, Ellen (eds.) The Future of Local Self-Government : European Trends in Autonomy, Innovations and Central-Local Relations, chap. 6, 67-81, Springer International Publishing.
Ladner, Andreas (2020) Local Autonomy and Local Public Sector Reforms, EU Research Brochure. Autumn 2020.
Keuffer, Nicolas and Horber-Papazian, Katia (2020) “The bottom-up approach: essential to an apprehension of local autonomy and local governance in the case of Switzerland”, Local Government Studies, 46:2, 306-325, (online, DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2019.1635019)
Keuffer, Nicolas (2018) “Does local autonomy facilitate local government reform initiatives? Evidence from Switzerland”, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31: 4, 426-447 (online, DOI: 10.1108)
Ladner, Andreas (2017) “Chapter 1: Autonomy and Austerity: Re-Investing in Local Government”, In Schwab, Christian, Bouckaert, Geert and Kuhlmann, Sabine (Eds.) The Future of Local Government in Europe. Lessons from Research and Practice in 31 Countries (pp. 23-40), Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
Keuffer, Nicolas (2016) “L’autonomie locale, un concept multidimensionnel: comment le définir, comment le mesurer et comment créer un indice d’autonomie locale comparatif?”, Revue internationale de politique comparée, 23(4): 443-490. (Version presented in English at the 24th IPSA World Congress, Poznań, Poland, 23-28 July 2016)
Ladner, Andreas and Nils Soguel (2015) “Managing the crises – How did local governments react to the financial crisis in 2008 and what explains the differences? The case of Swiss municipalities”, International Review of Administrative Sciences 81(4): 752-772. (download) (online, DOI: 10.1177/0020852314558033).
Press / Media
Webinar: Local governance indicators – what is the global state of knowledge?:
“Schweizer Gemeinden sind Spitze punkto Autonomie”, (Artikel zusammen mit Nicolas Keuffer), DeFacto, 4.2.2016
“Des communes autonomes? Bon pour l’économie et la démocratie”, (Article avec Nicolas Keuffer), Le Temps, 6.4.2016, p. 11,